Lets Experience
Yeah that perfect life you have dreamt up… ditch it. Why, you may ask. Well simply because nothing is perfect. Put your faith in learning not false realities.
So lets get one thing straight- dream on! Manifest what you want by thinking about whatever it is you want, on a daily even hourly basis. Allow your thoughts to invade your reality, to become your reality. Create! But what I want to talk about is stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. It is okay to fail. lf making a mistake every once in a while is the worst that can happen there isn't much to fear. Which leads me to another point I want to make, don’t let fear hold you back from the jumps you might take in life, the people you might talk to, or the job you might apply for. Go for what ever it is you want. You will never know what will happen. Take each mistake and reevaluate what didn't work and learn what did. Take each experience as it comes and treat each as a learning lesson. Figure out the best methods for going about your dreams. let your experiences and risks be a part of your everyday! Allow room for creativity and excitement. Don't settle for average, settle once you have created the best environment for you. I think a lot of people are just comfortable where they are and with what they are doing. (I am also at fault of this, but this is something I am working on and I'm following through with it.) I want people to create and to change the norm. To go after anything and everything they desire. To fulfill their dreams not anyone else’s. Live a life for you! Manifest your thoughts and make your own realities!